The Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a theologically conservative Presbyterian denomination. It was founded in 1936, in the aftermath of the split between conservatives and liberals over the integrity of the Bible, the gospel, and the purpose of the church in the world. When conservative defenders of the Christian faith were ousted from Princeton seminary and the mainline Presbyterian church (USA), the OPC was born. The OPC has not only stood for Christian orthodoxy (straight teaching) over the decades, it has also been a strong proponent of Christian missions and church planting. It has been vigorous in its defense and propagation of the historic Reformed faith. If you are looking for a church that stands for the word of God, God-centered worship and faithful preaching, the OPC might be the place for you. More information on the OPC can be found at www.opc.org.
Covenant OPC, in harmony with the rest of our denomination, is committed to the theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. We believe these documents faithfully, albeit imperfectly, summarize the theology of Scripture itself. They are the last-written protestant creeds, completed in 1646 in England by 150 highly esteemed ministers and elders, have undergone several slight revisions, and were adopted by American Presbyterians in 1788. Our confession & catechisms are available on the OPC website .